The journey

We have a variety of programs available for people and our Core Program is one main course divided into four different levels. Level 1 – The Earth Journey, Level 2 – The Water Journey, Level 3 – The Fire Journey, and Level 4 – The Air Journey.

The purpose of our programs is to transform the way one see’s and makes sense of life so that situations one has been tolerating clear up in the process of living itself.  The point is to leave participants free to BE, while increasing their effectiveness and the quality of their life.  Our training is experiential and transformational in nature.

The Earth Journey

Level 1

The Water Journey

Level 2

The Fire Journey

Level 3

The Air Journey

Level 4

Shamanic Power Initiations

The Shamanic Power Initiations offer a year of discovery and self-awareness, journeying through your inner medicine wheel and showing you the way to your natural self, your original state of wholeness, and your interconnection with all of life.

Shamanic Power Initiations

The Samurai Game ®

The Samurai Game® is also an exercise in leadership and teamwork. Throughout the game, you will be presented with opportunities to lead and opportunities to surrender completely to the leadership of others. The game will test you, and expose for you to see clearly your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and as a member of the team. Experience for yourself the way of the warrior as a path to deeper self-awareness and enlightenment.

The Samurai Game

Authentic Ever After

You will have a chance to explore a ‘mature’, fully functioning relationship. You will commit to a process of mature love that includes identifying what keeps that level of love away.

Authentic Ever After

Integrity Seminars

What we are about

Integrity Seminars is a Personal Development company
that has been operating from Edmonton for over 22 years.

Integrity Seminars is grounded in a model of transformative learning – a way of learning that gives people an awareness of the basic structures in which they know, think and act.

From that awareness comes a fundamental shift that leaves people more fully in accord with their possibilities and those of others.

Participants find themselves able to think and act beyond existing views and limits –  in their personal and professional lives, relationships, and broader communities of interest.